“When you sincerely take complete ownership for the life you choose to live, accepting the beautiful and the ugly within yourself and your community, waking daily to do celebrate the beautiful and attend to the ugly with consistent patience to improve, then you are Zetu!”
The number of companies creating products around the whole is endless, and the number of companies designing and producing amazing products is long. On the African continent, the number of companies Designing and Producing Amazing products for the open market is limited.
The number of companies led and run by young African´s, while Designing and local producing amazing products at an unbelievably high quality, are only a handful.
The number of companies with all the above, donating a great percentage of their profit to furnishing primary and secondary school classrooms with an innovative and sustainable approach called the SeatPack is only one: Zetu Africa.

Some of the Zetu Africa Makers at their creative home in a suburb in Kampala - Uganda.
For this simple fact alone, it made sense that the name ´Zetu Africa´ chose us as a locally founded and run company turned family. ´Zetu´ is a Swahili word directly translating to ´Ours´. This sense of Ownership is the foundation of the Zetu Africa designer, maker and customer. We all carry a deep sense of responsibility for the life we CHOOSE to lead. A life of service to the greater Spirit of Human. A life of service to the greater Spirit of Environment. This fact of ownership and responsibility bonds us as a Family.
When you sincerely take complete ownership for the life you choose to live, accepting the beautiful and the ugly within yourself and your community, waking daily to do celebrate the beautiful and attend to the ugly with consistent patience to improve: you are Zetu.